Thrombotic Hemorrhoids. A Pain In The You Know What.
Hemorrhoids are common, especially in those of us over the age of 50. Less common, but potentially more distressing, is the thrombotic hemorrhoid, an acutely painful anal lump, a potentially debilitating painful lump and an all around pain in the you-know-where. A pain down “there” and a pain everywhere; Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Culver City and The Valley. Perhaps it is time for a visit to the proctologist.
What is A Hemorrhoid? What Is A Thrombotic Hemorrhoid?
But, what is a hemorrhoid and what is a thrombotic hemorrhoid? Every part of the body has veins. These veins return blood to the heart. The blood is oxygenated in the lungs and then returned to various parts of the body via arteries. The anal area is no exception. It too contains veins. These veins are called hemorrhoids and are a perfectly normal part of the human anatomy. When these veins become enlarged, through sitting on the toilet too long, from a lifetime of straining because of hard bowel movements or for many other unknown reasons, they may begin to cause symptoms. When the blood circulating through the hemorrhoids clots, the term thrombotic hemorrhoid is used. Thrombotic hemorrhoids are common in all cities including Los Angeles and Beverly Hills.
First, and most importantly, the blood clot itself is not dangerous. It will not break apart and travel to your lungs and will not cause any danger. But, the thrombotic hemorrhoid can be extremely painful and debilitating. The pain is caused by the stretching of the vein by the blood clot. As the vein swells, it sends pain signals to the brain. And, the lining over the vein stretches as well, increasing the pain. Most often, a painful anal lump is felt. To the uninitiated, this raises the fear of cancer.
Time To See The Proctologist?!
This is perhaps the time to see a colorectal surgeon, also known as a proctologist. The specialty of colorectal surgery, or proctology, is a growing one and an integral part of the field of surgery. Your colorectal surgeon will be able to gently examine you. Given your history of a rapidly expanding and painful anal lump, along with the exam, a diagnosis of a thrombotic hemorrhoid should follow quickly. But now what?
First, pain relief. It must be understood that most thrombotic hemorrhoids will resolve by themselves over 10 days or so. Symptomatic relief in the form of pain medications (perhaps prescription strength), stool softeners, warm tubs, and elevation are the mainstay of treatment. While in bed, elevate the foot of the bed if possible so that your heart is at a lower level than your feet. This will promote hemorrhoidal drainage. If you cannot elevate the foot of the bed, then try putting pillows underneath your legs.
Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates
Sometimes, your proctologist may recommend a drainage of the thrombotic. Not all thrombotics are amenable to this however. If your hemorrhoid can be drained in your doctor’s office, you should feel immediate relief. You can expect some residual discomfort however and some bloody drainage for several days. This is normal. And remember, draining the hemorrhoid is not curative. The thrombotic hemorrhoid may recur if not removed with an elective hemorrhoidectomy.
Surgeons at Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles are board certified and trained in all of the latest techniques. Relief may be a phone call away. (310)273-2310