Anal Condyloma. Venereal Warts. A Difficult Problem
Venereal warts, anal warts, anogenital warts, or condyloma acuminata – no matter what you call them, there’s a stigma attached to having them. But while most people feel themselves to be an outcast when they learn they have contracted the disease, the Center for Disease Control estimates that over 50% of men and women who are sexually active will, at some point, carry the virus responsible for anal warts. There’s no need to feel ashamed; anal warts are a common problem. And like most common problems, they can be treated with a variety of procedures to help ease your discomfort and create a more ideal cosmetic appearance.
Anal warts are most often caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) – a virus which is estimated to affect over half of the population of sexually active people. Certain subtypes of anal warts that develop as a result of this virus, carry with them an increased risk of cervical, anal, penile, and vaginal cancers, so removing them is crucial to your health and well-being.
It is important to understand that warts can recur and be chronic. You must follow up with your proctologist on a regular basis for evaluations. Your Colon and Rectal Surgeon is well versed in the various diagnostic and treatment options available in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, as well as Culver City and West Hollywood.
1. Topical ointment
Less severe anal warts can often be treated with a topical ointment provided by your proctologist. The ointment is applied directly to the affected area. While highly effective in relieving symptoms, it is generally reserved for warts located on the external portion of the anus. The medication has several names, but each is based on the chemical podophyllin.
2. Freezing method
Anal warts can often be frozen off with liquid nitrogen. During this removal method, the nitrogen is applied up to three times depending on the size and severity of the wart(s). There may be some minor swelling or discomfort immediately following the procedure, but most patients report improvements in 1-3 weeks.
3. Surgical removal
For the most severe cases of anal warts, there are surgical procedures available. The operation may be done under local or general anesthetic, depending on the location of the warts. Once the anesthesia has been administered, your surgeon will either surgically remove the warts, or burn them off with an electrical current. Both procedures are usually conducted as an outpatient and recovery periods range from as short as a day to as long as a couple of weeks.
Since this disease can be dormant for many years, you should schedule an appointment for early detection screening. The sooner you contact the surgeons at Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates, the sooner you can have a diagnosis and begin treatment for your anal warts, enabling you to be well on your way to symptomatic relief, and once again feeling comfortable with your body.
Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates
The board certified surgeons of Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates are skilled in all aspects of treating anal warts, as well as all diseases of the colon, rectum and anus. By calling (310)273-2310, you can schedule a confidential consultation and begin treatment of this difficult problem.