Preparing for Colon Cancer, Rectal Surgery

Medically reviewed by: Gary H. Hoffman, MD

Getting ready for Colon Cancer Surgery Or Rectal Cancer Surgery At Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Colon cancer or rectal cancer  are largely preventable by having regular colon evaluations with colonoscopy or other colon screening measures.  If you have polyps, which may be pre-cancerous lesions, they can be removed before they become malignant.  This is the job of the colon and rectal surgeon, also known as a proctologist.  But, what if you are found to have a colon or rectal cancer?  In Los Angeles, you will likely be admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for robotic surgery, laparoscopic surgery, or open surgery.  Preparation is an important part of the operation; both for the patient and for the surgeon.

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How Will I prepare for this experience?

The preparation can be broken down into 4 stages:

  • Preparation in your doctor’s office.
  • Preparation in the hospital check in area.
  • Preparation in your hospital room.
  • Preparation in the preoperative area.

In The Doctor’s Office.

Your surgeon will speak at length with you about the operation, its risks and benefits as well as alternatives.  You will have a chance to ask questions and understand your illness and treatment plan.  Following this, the doctor’s staff will make arrangements for you to check in to the hospital.  Your case will be scheduled with the operating room.  Your demographics (your insurance information as well as addresses, contacts and their phone numbers etc.) will be sent in a confidential manner to the hospital.  You will be given instructions about where and when to check in, what to bring with you to the hospital, and how to prepare (cleanse) your bowels.  You will most likely be told not to eat or drink anything after midnight before your check in date.

In The Hospital Check In.

If all has gone well, you will be greeted at the hospital check in.  Your identity will be confirmed and you will sign a group of papers related to your upcoming hospitalization and operation.  You will be given time to read the papers and ask any questions important to you.

In Your Hospital Room.

After being taken to your room, you be able to “settle in” and relax for a bit.  At some point, a nurse will speak with you and make certain that you understand the nature of your upcoming operation.  The nurse will implement any orders sent to the nursing floor by your doctor’s office.  You may have an I.V. placed and begin receiving fluids and possibly intravenous medications.  The nurse will begin following a checklist designed to move you safely and efficiently through the process.

In Preop.

At the appropriate time, you will be taken to the preoperative area.  Another checklist will be carried out.  You will meet your anesthesiologist, your operating room nurses and you will see your surgeon before you are taken into the operating room.  Your surgeon may have a team of other physicians who will assist your surgeon.  You will sign an operative consent.  You may receive some medication to help you relax.  And then, off to the operating room.  This will complete the loop begun in your surgeon’s office.

Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates.

The surgeons of Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates are board certified and are instructors in the division of colorectal surgery at Cedars-SinaiMedicalCenter.  With many years of experience and expertise, they will help you through this process.  By calling (310)273-2310, you can schedule your confidential consultation and begin the path to renewed health.  With proper preparation, the path should be a smooth, efficient and comforting one.

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