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Medications To Avoid Prior To Your Procedure:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Herbal/Alternative
(This list is not a substitute for a discussion with your physician. Please be absolutely sure that your physician is aware of all medications that you are taking, even those medications not on this list.)
- Advil Tablets/Suspension
- Aggrastat
- Aggrenox (Consult your physician before discontinuing this medication.)
- Agrylin
- Aleve
- Alka Seltzer Effervescent Tablets
- Anaprox
- Ansaid
- Anadynos
- Argesic Tablets
- Arthralgen Tablets
- Arthritis Pain Formula Tabs
- Arthritis Strength Bufferin Tablets
- Arthropan Liquid
- Arthrotec
- Aspirin
- Ascriptin with Codeine Tabs
- Ascriptin Tablets
- Ascriptin Extra-Strength Tablets
- Asperbuf Tablets
- Aspergum
- Axotal Tablets
- Asdone
- Bayer Aspirin Tablets
- Bayer Aspirin Caplets
- Bayer Children’s Aspirin
- Bayer Children’s Cold Tabs
- Bayer Timed-Release Aspirin Tablets
- BC Powder
- Bextra
- Biochemical Tissue Salts
- Buff-A-Comp Tabs
- Buff-A-Comp Caps
- Buff-A-Comp #3 Tablets (with Codeine)
- Buffaprin Tablets
- Bufferin Tablets
- Buffets II Tablets Buffinol Tablets
- Butalbital Capsules
- But-Tabs
- Butazolidine
- Cama Arthritis Pain
- Cataflam
- Carisoprodol & Aspirin Tabs
- Celebrex
- Clinoril
- Co-Advil
- Congesprin Chewable Tabs
- Clopidogrel Bisulfate (Consult your physician before discontinuing this medication.)
- Cope Tablets
- Cosprin Tablets
- Coumadin (Consult your physician before discontinuing this medication.)
- CP- 2 Tablets
- Damason-P
- Darvon with ASA Pulvules
- Darvon Compound Pulvules
- Darvon Compound-65
- Darvon N with ASA
- Dasin Capsules
- Day-Pro
- Dinol Tablets
- Disalcid Capsules
- Doan’s Pills
- Dolobid
- Duoprin Capsules
- Duoprin-S Syrup
- Duradyne Tablets
- Durasal Tablets
- Dynosal Tablets
- Dipyridamole (Consult your physician before discontinuing this medication.)
- Easprin
- Ecotrin Tablets
- Efficin Tablets
- Emagrin Tablets
- Empirin Tablets
- Empirin with Codeine Tablets
- Endodan Tabs
- Enoxaparin (Lovenox) (Ask your physician for instructions on using this)
- Equagesic Tablets
- Excedrin Tabs or Caps
- Feldene
- Fenprofen
- Fiogesic
- Fiorinal Tablets
- Fiorinal with Codeine
- Fiortal Capsules
- Fiortal with Codeine
- Florlan Injection
- Four-Way Cold Tablets
- Gaysal –S Tablets
- Gelprin Tablets
- Gelprin- M Tabs
- Goody’s Powder
- Halfprin Tabs
- Herbal/Alternative
- Garlic
- Ginko-Biloba
- Ginseng
- Willow bark
- Ibuprofen
- Indomethacin
- Indocin
- Indo-Lemmon Capules
- Ketaprofen
- Lanorinal Tablets
- Lodine
- Lovenox (Enoxaparin) (Ask your physician for instructions on using this)
- Lortab ASA
- Magsal Tablets
- Marnal Capsules
- Maximum Bayer Aspirin
- Measurin Tablets
- Meclomen
- Mectofenamate
- Medipren
- Mefenamic
- Methocarbamol with Aspirin Tablets
- Mecrainin Tablets
- Midol Caplets
- Mobidin Tablets
- Mobigesic Tablets
- Momentum Muscular Backache Formula Tabs
- Mono-gesic Tablets
- Motrin
- Nalfon
- Orgaran Injection
- Orudis
- Os-Cal Gesic Tablets
- Oxycodone with Aspirin Tabs
- Pabalate
- Pabalate-SF Tablets
- Pedia Care Fever Liquid
- Pepto-Bismol Tablets
- Pepto-Bismol Suspension
- Percodan Tablets
- Percodan-D Tablet
- Persantine
- Persistin Tablets
- Plavix (Consult your physician before discontinuing this medication.
- Ponstel
- Pradaxa (Consult your physician before discontinuing this medication)
- Propoxyphene Compound
- Proxicam
- Relafen
- ReoPro
- Robaxisal Tablets
- Roxiprin Tablets
- Rufen
- S-A-C Tablets
- St. Joseph’s Aspirin for Children
- St. Joseph’s Cold Tablets for Children
- Saleto Tablets
- Salflex
- Salocol Tablets
- Sine-Off Sinus Medicine Tablets- Asprin Formula
- SK-65 Compound Capsules
- Soma
- Soma Compound
- Stanback Tabs
- Suprac
- Synalgos Capsules
- Synalgos-DC Capsules
- Talwin Compound Tablets
- Ticlid
- Tolectin Tol metin
- Trendar
- Trental (Consult your physician before discontinuing this medication.)
- Triaminicin Tablets
- Trigesic
- Trilisate Tabs
- Trilisate Liquid
- Uracel
- Urisinus
- Vanquish Tablets
- Verin
- Vioxx
- Vitamin E
- Volatrin
- Warfarin (Consult your physician before discontinuing this medication.)
- YSP Aspirin Capsules
- Zileuton
- Zorprin
Herbal/ Alternative
- Garlic
- Ginko-Biloba Ginseng
- Willow bark
(This list is not a substitute for a discussion with your physician. Please be absolutely sure that your physician is aware of all medications that you are taking, even those medications not on this list.)