A Proctologist. What And Where.
A proctologist, also known as a colon and rectal surgeon or coloproctologist, is a medical school graduate who has received special surgical training following medical school graduation. As you can guess, many years were spent in learning much about the colon, rectum, anus and small intestine. Why so focused on education?
Many Diseases In Los Angeles.
Although colon and rectal surgery may seem like a narrow field, there are many important diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases such as:
- Colon cancer
- Rectal Cancer
- Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis)
- Diverticulosis and diverticulitis
- Hemorrhoids
- Fissures
- Fistulas
- Infections
- Many others
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
With so many diseases to care for, it is not surprising that a proctologist may need to admit patients to the hospital. The surgeons of Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates often see patients at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Top notch facilities allow the surgeons to deliver state-of-the-art care using modern techniques such as robotic surgery or laparoscopic surgery. It is naturally important to have up to date tools to complement up to date abilities. One way in which your proctologist remains current is by acting as an instructor in the Colon and Rectal Surgery Fellowship. They teach aspiring surgeons the art of colon and rectal surgery.
Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates.
Should you wish to discuss a problem with a surgeon, the physicians of Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates are available by appointment in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills. You may call (310)273-2310 to schedule your visit. You will find helpful pre-appointment literature and forms online at the office website.