Detecting Colon Cancer: Noninvasive Stool Test

Medically reviewed by: Gary H. Hoffman, MD

The early detection of colorectal cancer in Beverly Hills is crucial for continued health. Research is being done constantly to improve testing methods and aid in the diagnosis of the early stages of colon cancer. New research points to the effectiveness of a noninvasive stool test that could help physicians detect the appearance of early stage colorectal cancer. Researchers are claiming that this new treatment could prove to be a beneficial supplement to colonoscopy screening examinations.

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The new stool-based examination targets molecular markers in a patient’s bowel movement. A recent study evaluated 500 patients who had previously been diagnosed with colon polyps and were currently undergoing colonoscopy or follow-up care. In these patients, the stool-based examination was highly sensitive to a number of critical early cancer screening targets. The test was also unaffected by factors that often influence other testing procedures, such as medication use, gender, race or weight.

One of the benefits of the stool based test is that it does not require patients to alter their lifestyle to undergo the examination. By offering a supplemental examination that does not call for fasting or preparation, more individuals may be willing to undergo screening for colon and rectal cancer.

The researchers did note that age was a factor that may influence the results of the stool-based examination. However, even in individuals of a higher age the test provided other markers that could be evaluated further for signs of colorectal cancer, especially when combined with other traditional screening efforts.

The stool-based examination is not intended to replace colonoscopy, and is not yet being implemented in the regular screening of colorectal cancer. However, research indicates that this type of cancer screening may become a beneficial supplement to traditional colonoscopy screening exams in the future.

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