Fight Hemorrhoids With Fiber

Medically reviewed by: Gary H. Hoffman, MD

Fight hemorrhoids in Beverly Hills or Culver City with fiberUnfortunately, hemorrhoids are a common problem for many people in Beverly Hills. In our fast paced society, preventative healthcare often gets pushed aside for more pertinent needs like hunger, clothing and cab fare. However, if you don’t take the time to eat a healthy diet and be wary of health risks, you could find yourself struck with an embarrassing and uncomfortable condition like hemorrhoids.

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The Painful Truth about Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that develop either inside or directly outside of the anal canal. They are a rather common condition, affecting a large percentage of people who never realize they have them. However, in some people hemorrhoids continue to grow and can prompt severe itching and rectal pain. In severe situations hemorrhoids require surgical removal.

Certain groups of people are at a greater risk of developing hemorrhoids, including pregnant women and those who are overweight. That is because the increased pressure the excess weight adds onto the rectum can prompt the veins to swell. Those who don’t have excess weight are still at risk for the condition though, especially if you frequently have hard stools or strain during bowel movements.

Fiber, Your Bowels and Hemorrhoids

Increasing fiber intake to prevent hemorrhoids isn’t a far-fetched health care myth. Once you break it all down, eating more fiber makes sense for your digestive health in a lot of ways.

Fiber is found in grains, starches, vegetables and fruits. Your body cannot digest fiber. This is the roughage or bulk that passes through your entire digestive system without breaking down and converting into energy or fat. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water and promotes the movement of waste through the digestive tract. The other type of fiber, soluble fiber, forms a gel-like substance when introduced to water and can actually improve your blood cholesterol and glucose levels.

Both types of fiber have their health benefits, but when it comes to preventing hemorrhoids insoluble fiber is your best bet. This type of fiber is found in whole-wheat flour as well as bran and nuts. Some vegetables like broccoli are also a good source of fiber.

By breaking down materials in your digestive system and promoting movement through the bowels, fiber softens stools and prevents constipation—which reduces the need to strain during bowel movements. If everything is “smooth sailing” through your digestive system, then you are less likely to develop hemorrhoids and more likely to experience improved and regular digestive health.

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