Bacteria and Colon Cancer

Medically reviewed by: Gary H. Hoffman, MD

A recent study showed how a certain bacteria that causes diarrhea could be linked to colon cancer. In this study in the August 23, 2009 issue of Nature, it was shown that the bacteria brought about inflammation and colon tumor growth in mice. The persistent diarrhea resulted in continuous inflammation of the colon, which damaged the cells and promoted colon cancer cells to grow. However, the article also concluded that more study was necessary to further evaluate this finding.

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In order to prevent or detect colon cancer, a colonoscopy is performed. A colonoscopy is performed by a doctor to check if the colon is healthy or shows signs of inflammation, abnormal growth, or other signs of disease. A colonoscopy takes between 10 to 20 minutes and is the process by which a doctor examines the whole colon using a flexible tube with a camera that has been inserted through the anus. A routine colonoscopy in Beverly Hills can be done to ensure that the colon does not contain polyps or other signs of cancer.

If there has been a change in bowel movements or if there has been any abdominal pain, going to the doctor for an exam is advisable. Before a colonoscopy, the patient must prepare 24 hours in advance. Screening for colon cancer in Beverly Hills can begin at age 50 for both men and women, and a colonoscopy is often recommended every five years thereafter. If there is a polyp found, then your physician will remove it and have it evaluated by microscopic means. Biopsies can also be performed to evaluate other abnormalities of the colon lining.

If you are experiencing any unexplained diarrhea, you should bring the condition up to your physician. As seen in the study, a diarrheal bacteria has been linked to colon cancer and the sooner any signs are checked out, the sooner preventative measures can be undertaken.

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