Now researchers in the U.K. may have discovered how the colon functions and how this relates to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS. By using new imaging techniques, physicians have been able to view the colon in ways never before accomplished. Through these new studies of the colon, some new insights are starting to develop in just how much bacteria in the gut area affect your health. A proctologist, also known as a colon and rectal surgeon may be able to answer your questions about IBS.
Analyzing the Different Parts of the Colon
In a British study by the University of Nottingham’s Digestive Diseases Centre, researchers were able to take MRI images of the colon and divide the colon into three separate sections. The new imaging technique was able to look into the different sections of the colon and examine what really goes on in each one.
It is in the beginning of the colon, or the ascending colon where bacteria help digest unabsorbed food. Water is also absorbed in the ascending colon. But it is also the area where the scientists found the most interesting insight. In the MRI imaging, they found that those with IBS typically do not have a relaxed ascending colon and ultimately do not absorb food and water as much as would be expected. This may have a relationship to the symptoms experienced in IBS.
The reasons for this remain perplexing, and there is hope that further investigation into, and knowledge about the ascending colon might shed light on its functioning and lead to a cure for IBS.
Fructose and Bacteria in the Gut Could Lead to Solutions
Previous studies at Stanford University Medical Center found that consuming fructose in one’s diet usually leads to bloating and symptoms similar to IBS. Perhaps fructose is one of the main culprits in IBS. This theory has not been proven however. This same theory applies to gluten and its role in digestion. Gluten-free diets seem to help in controlling disabling gastrointestinal symptoms.
All of this may allow the surgeons of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills to better treat patients experiencing the annoying symptoms of IBS. After a thorough evaluation, additional studies may be ordered at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
Los Angeles Colon and Rectal Surgical Associates
At Los Angeles Colon & Rectal Surgical Associates in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, we find this to be exciting news in the search for a possible cure for IBS. In the meantime, we want to help you try to control your IBS in the best ways possible. Contact us for an appointment so that we can help you understand your problem and begin to treat your symptoms. (310)273-2310.
If you’re dealing with IBS symptoms, consider that modifying your IBS diet could significantly alleviate your discomfort. Our Colorectal Surgeons (also known as proctologists) are available for consultation and most insurance plans, such as Medicare, are accepted.